buy and sell websites like craigslist
This option is great for any local sales, as well as selling larger or more valuable items like cars and electronics. Most of those alternatives to Craigslist have failed before anyone knew they existed. I’m sorry you are having trouble with them. Also, PennySaver USA is visited more than 1 million unique visitors per month. After that, you’ll be directed to narrow your search to find listings for your item near you. With Oodle, some listings are posted directly to Oodle, but they also comb other Craigslist alternatives to expand their listings. However, you can get wide exposure to prospective buyers. You can choose to view Homes, Cars or Jobs at the top of the page. We just updated the article to have 19! Some of these are older sites that many have forgot about or they may be brand new and just getting started. Or, you could ask them directly through their contact info on the site. Instead of offering up ads from around the country, Locanto is best for those who are looking for something locally such as a used car, a babysitter, a job, or anything particular to the vicinity of where you live. I have used Ads Globe most often and it’s good. Often flagging 10 – 20 items at a time for no reason whatsoever. Yep- some people like me love Craiglist and Trovit.Some other people like websites such as Oodle,Customerso or Adoos because they more closely mimic and connect with popular social networks,actially customerso is a social network itself.In my opinion Jobiba Classifieds is the also good rival of Craiglist at the moment. I will be sure to check it out! 1 – City News. These Craigslist alternatives allow you to buy, sell, or trade online if you’re looking for something different. Buyers pay a small fee when buying on Swappa, as Swappa helps assist with the sale to ensure all goes smoothly. . Selling on Facebook started inside Facebook groups long before the Facebook Marketplace. I would like to post some ads in real estate which will be good sites in the USA. You might think of Facebook as a place to read the latest status updates for your friends or watch viral videos. Yes, that is varage instead of garage :). As it is not a … Make them reasonable. It has features such as free as well as paid ads. Or, if I am missing any other sites, please drop me a comment below and I will get them added in! Offer Up is a selling site where you list your items or services by type, and you search by type, city or zip code. Can you suggest which would be the best and easiest way of buying and selling that can be done without face to face transactions or deliveries. Apart from buying, selling … It’s free to create an account too. When you sign up with them, you list what services and/or products you have to offer, and what services or products you are willing to give in exchange. We’d love to hear about it in the comments section. Unlike Craigslist, however, you can … It became a national marketplace in 2010 and now boasts 18 million monthly users. Gumtree has many of the same categories as Craigslist, such as automobiles, household goods, and community events. They also have a classified section for the print and online edition. Thanks! Craigslist remains a favorite selling site to offer used items locally and an enduring site to post your classified ads for free. Maybe, back in the day, you picked up a free PennySaver newspaper from the newspaper stands at the street corner or grocery store. As you can see there are a ton of great other sites like Craigslist. Thanks. Similar to Craigslist, you cannot sell firearms with any of the Facebook Yard Sale groups. OLX offers items for sale that include all of the usual stuff: vehicles, real estate, electronics, used furniture, clothing, etc. With Oodle, some listings are posted directly to Oodle, but they also comb other Craigslist alternatives to expand their listings. You might want to give Geebo a try if you live in a major city like L.A. or Chicago. Craigslist is the king of ‘buying-and-selling old stuff online’ websites. It is very much like the classified section you would find in your local newspaper. 10 Day Ads has an interesting concept going for them. First, the site features hundreds of thousands of items for sale in pretty much any category you can imagine. Some groups are more restrictive than others. Oodle has a slightly different take on helping you buy or sell locally. They still publish a printed edition as well. You can also buy these items directly from Pawngo. For example, I once bought a large extension ladder for $75. Oodle has a wide array of categories including pets, personals and services. For example, a winter parka or snowshoes will probably sell for a higher price in Alaska than the Louisana bayou. It can be a bit tedious to find the right sale group for your items on Facebook which is why I like the Marketplace better. There’s an added filter letting you choose how far away you can search from that city or zip code. When Chris isn’t at “work” he can be found at the Crossfit gym or riding on the fire truck — Chris is also a full-time firefighter in Phoenix, Arizona. If you are having a hard time selling something on Craigslist quickly, consider listing your item on Facebook. But I am going to give it a gallant effort. Done right, you can get some phenomenal deals using online websites! Note that not all areas have listings on Trovit at this time. You can list items to sell one at a time or advertise a yard sale. That’s cool! Searches for real estate work similarly. This is a great article! I don’t have a working computer so all work would need to be done on my Android. I’m not sure if it’s available in the US or not, but there’s a lot of good stuff on there. This site does accept paid ads from national retailers so not every listing will be local. I’m looking for trampoline parts. I am a VERY small hunting ranch, retirement ranch. Chris (Peach) Petrie is a personal finance expert, money coach, speaker and podcaster. It is similar to Craigslist but more local. Other sites like Craigslist want to sell stuff online too. It could be a non-option due to security concerns, or simply because your item isn’t selling there. Quite similar to Craigslist in the interface, Geebo has a safe and large number of community classifieds to note for. Some of the links included in this article are from our advertisers. If so, what was your experience? If you are a frequent seller or want additional selling features, you will need to upgrade. 11 Sites Like Craigslist: More Classified Ad Websites. The site is pretty well organized and easy to use. When you sell through Mercari, you only sell shippable items, so there’s no in-person meetups. Recycler started as a local classified newspaper in Southern California. Most all of the listings seemed to be taken from/linked to other sources. As far as Craigslist alternatives go, Offerup is relatively small. Classifieds Giant is a well-organized site that allows you to post ads for a variety of items. Which sites did you try? Some sites specialize in keeping you safe during the transaction, so if safety is your main concern, these might be the best for you. As a top seller in my state I can speak with authority that any item under $50 has a high risk of being what we call “they call but aren’t serious” while $100 – $500 items sell in the 1st couple calls. I’m sorry to hear that! When you do a local search you get all states, cities and towns in your search EVEN if you search only your local town or area. It’s a great idea. The ladder was in great shape, and a new one would have cost me about $300. Overall Craigslist is safe. This is one reason why Geebo is present here as the best Craigslist replacement. As an example, you might see vehicles listed from in addition to vehicles sold by actual Oodle members. This makes it easier for military members to buy or sell belongings with their most recent move. You can search for specific keywords within the group if you are looking for a certain product to buy. Read our Advertiser Disclosure. You can also find pet sitters, vacation rentals, jobs, and apartments. But, the next question you may ask: how sure am I that these sites are as authentic as Kijiji? Is there one site that you can go to where you can put in what you want( I need a purple sofa) and it will search all the sites for that item? Required fields are marked *. But, it still has a lot of product listings and has become more popular recently with 23 million app downloads. Try checking some of these to see if they work in Canada. And several other categories. Have you ever heard of a local website like Los Angeles Ads? You can also ask the seller a question or even make an offer. Sell extra stuff around you. The site is easy to use and has categories such as cars and vehicles, pets, real estate for sale, rentals, sports and recreation, community, jobs and more. However, there is place on there called Facebook Marketplace where you can buy and sell items. Thank you. The profile also lists the types of items you have listed in the past. ALWAYS use caution with cellphones and laptops. 1) LetGo LetGo allows users to buy and sell just about anything. As craigslist has many services on site but on the other hand, we have alternative sites like craigslist which works very well for one specified topic. For that, people are not interested in using Craigslist. Great! The truth is you have statistically 10 times more chances getting robbed, mugged, abducted, or assaulted just parking and walking into a Walmart on a Saturday Night than you do on Craigslist. eBay does provide local pickup options as well. You might be surprised at the results. Also, in the comments below, please let me know if you have tried any of these and what you think of them. I have been using in Michigan, and it has been working well for me. The site has an expansive amount of listings on it. Facebook does a really great job with their marketplace and makes it extremely simple to buy or sell. As with many Craigslist alternatives, you will have the most success using if you live in a large city. Although, they do have boards for many smaller regions across each state as well. Thank u. That’s great to hear. Have you heard of Apknite’s KSL Classifieds? The site is pretty well organized. Second, (and probably my most favorite reason) it’s so popular because it’s free. They took the rest of the items with them. Hi, I am a housebound senior citizen confined to a recliner and need to supplement my social security. Anyways its hard to keep anything listed anymore. Free to list, free to sell, free to buy. Trovit is a classified search engine and is ideal for buying. They might have some search suggestions that would help. He has been featured in the US News and World Report, Student Loan Hero, and more. Or click on the “Buy and Sell Groups” button in the Explore menu. I don’t know if there is other for other states, but worth looking at them, One of my favorite classified sites is Some of the categories they have include: And others. Your email address will not be published. The guy was downsizing from a single-family home into a townhome. This site is entirely free to use, and you can buy or sell just about anything. Additionally, try looking for buy and sell Facebook groups or other online listings in your area. Instantly connect with local buyers and sellers on OfferUp! If you aren't having any success with Craigslist then the alternatives on this list might just be what you're looking for. What I would do is check out some of the links in this post and then look to see if anyone is selling anything like that. US Free Ads has been around since 1999. This is a good list. To live up to its namesake, Offerup allows you to accept the seller’s listed price or make your own offer. Both buyers and sellers can receive ratings too. Many of the categories had zero listings, however. Josh is a personal finance writer with his prior professional experience as a transportation operations supervisor for an S&P 500 company. The classified section of this site allows one to buy or sell their used things. Yet those of us who list ONE ITEM, in ONE city, and follow every rule respectfully, we get our ads flagged down ruthlessly! Related Article: Top 18 Sites Like Craigslist as an Alternative to Buy or Sell. Your headline offered 18 alternatives but I don’t see them. If you live in California, you can still find the Penny Saver in print, but everywhere else is online as PennySaver USA. According to US Free Ads, their most popular listings are dogs, horses, and houses. Or, click on the Marketplace tab on the left sidebar of your Facebook page. OfferUp seems to be the best bet to fu Craigslist. Just like the first three Craigslist alternatives on this list, Shopify is ideal for people who are looking for stuff to buy or sell on the internet. Yeah, it’s available world-wide, I believe, including the US. Nowadays I prefer eBay and Classified ads because they are safer. Craigslist is the world’s popular classified site where you can post ads to buy/sell stuff online. There’s a new website called Steve’s Weave that describes itself as the green craigslist, all the ads are about green or sustainable things. Also, Mercari offers for you to print out a prepaid shipping label for when your item sells. Sell4bids classifieds app gives you a chance to sell and buy used stuff, look for used stuff locally and gives great arrangements things being what they are shopping close-by your territory in the simplest way. But when I tried to sell some household items on Craigslist, I found out afterwords that the buyer was a local drug dealer. There are eighteen on the list for you to choose from. He paid off $80,000 in consumer debt and uses his experience of getting out of debt and changing careers to write about many personal finance topics including making money, saving money and investing. The fact that it’s free to list and sell also helps to make Craigslist popular. Now, they have moved online, and you can find local deals by entering your zip code. With the amount of people shopping on Facebook, you can usually sell your stuff the fastest on this platform. You might have the most success with Hoobly by selling or buying pet animals as there are arguably more listings for this category than any of the other merchandise categories listed. The Top Sites for Buying and Selling Items Locally. Pawngo is a site where you can sell your stuff to a pawn company. Hundreds of “free wood” which is essentially “Im too cheap to call a tree guy”, All this clogs the system and pushes legitimate items down in less than a day. Probably the most comparable to Craigslist is Oodle, but it also does something Craiglist does not do – Oodle aggregates listings both locally and nationally from sites like eBay,,,, and many more. It does a great job of presenting the latest news in a digestible format. Unlike some of the other sites that allow unlimited postings for sellers, a free membership with US Free Ads will enable you to only list two products at once. Can you add “Los Angeles Ads”? Sometimes keeping it as simple as possible works the best. I have a $25 Target gift card and need the money for my grandbaby. Can you recommend a good site to sell used items for sailboats, like sails, chains, anchors, and all the stuff applicable to sailing? Many communities also have sale pages that can reach people in your general area of the country. Of course, for more exposure, you’d need to hit some of the sites mentioned in the article. Listed in order of my favorite sites to buy and sell online that are very similar Craigslist. GumTree is one of the best sites like Craigslist to sell that is popular all over the UK and other countries like Australia and South Africa. Also, when meeting up with someone, bring a second person along if possible, meet in a public place and always let someone know where you’re going and when you should be back. To buy on US Free Ads, you only need a free membership. It would depend on what you are buying and selling. 1. And for an additional fee, you can pay to send your ad to the top of a buyer’s search results. If you have a Facebook account, then you already have access to the Facebook Marketplace. Money Peach was created to help everyday people remove the stress and fear of money by showing them how to save more, make more, and keep more of their money. You start by choosing your area, and from there you can narrow down the search based on the type of house/number of bedrooms, etc. Buyers need to actually read the listings and view the pictures on at LEAST a tablet, and Craigslist needs an overhaul. It took 10 days from the day I shipped until the funds were deposited into my checking account. If it looks shady (dark parking lot in bad section of town) then keep going, don’t stop. They literally only have a handful of listings at any given time on the U.S. site. This list will help. As I searched the site, I found there were several ads to browse for some items, and zero ads to browse for others. That’s great & all John Doe. Not much to explain here. City News offers free classified ads to help you sell or buy all over the world. They have sites for a couple of dozen countries, including Pakistan, Guatemala, India, South Africa and more. Offer Up has a lot of categories and a ton of stuff or services for sale from appliances and auto parts to used textbooks and antiques. Craigslist’s long buying and selling history and easy-to-use site make it popular among many buyers and sellers. Good luck! Only time and experience will help you learn which alternative sites are best for your area. FYI, you can only advertise items for sale on Trovit if you own a coordinating website. Check out the details of these sites. However, I do like the fact that if there are any complaints about someone inside the group – they are usually kicked out of the group. It’s a good place to search and list if you live in countries outside of the U.S. Bookoo brings buyers and sellers together. Booko provides following categories: Automobiles; Pets; Real estate It’s about as plain and simple as you can get which isn’t always a bad thing. I hope you are able to find something that works. Once you request and are approved for a local Facebook group (often called “YOUR CITY Swip Swap), you can begin selling your items and finding other things to buy in your local area. One interesting thing about Mercari is that when someone buys your item, you need to rate them using the Mercari rating system. USA Today is a giant in the print and digital media niche and reported over 102 million unique visitors and 1.2 billion pageviews per month in 2017. If you do not submit any search criteria, the results will look like your regular Facebook news feed. I’m glad we could help! eBay can also be a good option if your products don’t sell locally on Craigslist or one of these other sites. However, with the ever-expanding world of e-commerce, there are now dozens of other (better) sites like Craigslist to choose from to list the stuff you want to sell, or to buy the things you want or need. And because most transactions are local, you can get your money and get rid of stuff quickly. Craigslist has “paid dealer” listings and those guys spam thousands of keywords (against Craigslist rules Ill add) into their paid listings, and Craigslist doesn’t allow us to flag them down. The bottom line is Craigslist needs new management and they need to ditch that horrible algorithm that flags down legitimate items. Freecycle In addition, there are product listings in Canada and Europe. This can help make the sales process feel more secure and keep scammers to a minimum. I need help. While eBay is not exactly like CraigsList, with listings for jobs, personals, events and the like. They will be displayed in the order of posting. List of all international online classifieds sites I live in France and I want to sell in the United States. You can place ads directly on the site, but I also noticed they had ads that seemed to be pulled from other sites. Well, that’s why we are here. You can choose from a variety of categories to sell or shop in, including: And more. It can give you a good ballpark idea of how much to ask for your stuff and whether they are the best site to sell on or not. Geebo is only offered in the United States and is currently in San Francisco, Los Angeles, San Diego, New York, Boston, Philadelphia, Miami, Chicago, Dallas, Austin, Phoenix, Washington, DC, and Seattle. No listing fees or selling fees. When you sell on Recycler, you can quickly post your listings to Facebook and Twitter. Just like Craigslist, you can post, sell or buy anything on Kijiji. It still has a very basic layout reminiscent of circa-2000 websites. I’m glad you shared that. However, you may not be comfortable with Craigslist for whatever reason. You can search for just about anything on this site. I like free ads until I can start making enough to pay for itself I have been using Los Angeles Ads and it has been working well for me. These sites are listed in order of my favorite sites to buy and sell online that are very similar Craigslist. eBay is one of the best alternative websites to Craigslist to buy or sell anything online. After doing some digging, there are two separate sites for US Free Ads – USFreeAds and USNetAds. Making next to our list of free classified advertisements websites like Craigslist is Kijiji. They have site pages for all 50 U.S. states, as well as sites for Germany, Italy, Belgium, Japan, the UK and more. Whether you’re looking to sell your car, get a deal on a washing machine, you need to create extra cash flow flipping “stuff” or just need money now you have options. Mattress dealers posting 150 listings a day, car dealers posting with software and using flashy icon titles, nationwide dealers selling commercial equipment, and they are all allowed to do whatever they want, and break any and all rules, with no consequences. FreeAdsTime looks and runs a lot like Craigslist. My sales were quick but the payment was dependent upon the buyer’s rating and if the buyer didn’t rate after 3 days, Mercari rated it. We have a post on this site that can help and it gives additional sites to try too. Why waste gas? As far as U.S. ads go, some states had dozens of cities listed while others, like Minnesota, Michigan and Idaho, had between zero and two cities listed. One thing is for sure – your ad will be seen by a lot of people! It is also the most Popular Website Like Craigslist. This is for local classified ads for Los Angeles, California. Or, maybe you just want more classified sites to choose from. There are also apps for sending money online. In 2011, Chris and his family were exhausted from living paycheck-to-paycheck and facing a mountain of debt. There’s a great one up here in Canada called Varagesale. No shipping, fees required, as buyers and sellers meet in person and exchange money and stuff directly. Recycler is another site where you place your ads directly. SEE the pictures on a real monitor” instead of driving 2 hours just to say “Oh that’s not what I thought I saw in the pics” Maybe its because your searching on a 2″ flip phone??? Are you looking for sites like Craigslist where you can sell used stuff online for a really high price in the market? You don’t have to create an account to post here, however, doing so will give you added benefits, such as being able to track the number of views on the items you’ve posted. Another great website to use is a site called Luxury Resale Network. But, there are local pickup options for items that are too large or bulky to ship at a reasonable cost. You enter your location and ask to join the groups in your area. Thank you for sharing this helpful information. The number 17 doesn’t have a link pointed to the site. To help become more personal, Bookoo has sellers create a profile that includes a short bio and picture. Also on the site is a Free and for sale area. Those fees can cut into your profit as you sell. To boost your exposure on Recycler, it’s also possible to use paid ads to target specific buyers or markets. Some categories, such as pets, had no listings when I was doing my research, however in the vehicles category there were thousands of ads to browse through. You can also add listings to your watch list if you are not ready to buy at once. Ads Globe is a nice looking site, it’s free, and you can choose ads from a drop down list of multiple countries. ), Community-related ads (announcements, groups, etc. All communication is done via Facebook Messenger and can be done from mobile or desktop. I just don’t understand I must be doing something wrong because I have tried several sights mentioned an haven’t had very much luck selling anything. Facebook Marketplace or Swip-Swap Groups. You will probably have the best chances with Locanto if you live in Los Angeles, Miami, or New York. For the info on the others. The word spread fast and Chris started showing friends how to create a budget over dinner. Be sure to read the group’s rules before listing a product to sell. The site is simple, but organized and easy to use. This fact could impact whether or not you find cars, homes or job close by your area of residence. With Ads Globe, you can post unlimited ads for nearly any category including merchandise, autos, real estate, rentals, pets, and travel. A “SafeTrade” occurs when buyers and sellers agree to meet at a local police department. It’s a crazy name, but Kijiji is dubbed Canada’s most popular free, local classifieds site. Its was not a good match for what I needed in a selling site. Most large U.S. cities have a Locanto board. Thank you. Whenever you’re buying – or selling – on websites like the ones mentioned here, it’s important to use safety precautions in an effort to prevent scammers or criminals from taking advantage of you. An try a few different ones an see how y luck goes. The Gold membership is $10 per year for 25 ads at once. Founded in 1999, Geebo allows you to buy or sell merchandise, heavy equipment, vehicles, real estate, and services in 160 communities. I even found ads for medical treatment services, such as knee surgery in foreign countries, which was….interesting.
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