The challenge that the semantic web seeks to address is to provide a format or structure that can help machines understand the web page data in a way that encompasses an understanding of meaning in terms of what is on a page. Related Aside . HTML is a Mark-up language. semantic markup is markup that is descriptive enough to allow us and the machines we program to recognize it and make decisions about it. Here’s how the HTML markup above looks in real life: The above is an un-styled button, but it uses correct semantic markup.. Good CSS can make bad markup invisible to the average website visitor. To use Semantic markup simply means that you use the appropriate built-in HTML tags to wrap around your content so that they represent your content best. Semantic HTML is processed by traditional web browsers as well as by many other user agents. HTML has grown increasingly complex over the last several years, and it can be tempting to keep using div elements with class and id attributes, but the accessibility and interoperability promise of semantic HTML5 tags is reason enough to embrace these new semantic elements. web development) and content (i.e. Meaning, it uses tags to display content of Web page. The