but the gaps are still there.. here is an image screenshot from my code now: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/5905306/how-to-remove-an-invisible-space-between-div-tags/9037578#9037578. how to remove space between divs in css; Learn how Grepper helps you improve as a Developer! Two things...1. comment out all of your code above #main_container and see if the problem persists. Editing post to match. Just set font-size: 0 on the parent elements, and then declare a new font-size for the children elements. Hope this helps anyone searching for an answer. Try removing 'no-repeat'. However, while using the display: inline-block; the whitespace in the HTML code creates some visual space on the screen. Definition and Usage. CSS answers related to “how to remove gap between divs” add space between all html elements flex; css margin with 2 values; css remove whitespace around element; css space between child elements; css space between elements; display none but keep space; how to add top and down spacing between tags in css; how to create space inbetween text css To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. Joined: 2008-05-05 . asked 54 mins ago. It'd be the css-equivalent of dropping a nuke to kill a fruit fly. This will resolve this particular issue but you may encounter it for other tags such as p as you add them.. For any future issues you find, I would recommend using the browser developer tools (usually found by clicking F12 in the browser or right clicking on an element and choosing 'Inspect Element') to inspect the elements and check the box models. It is not currently accepting answers. One problem that arrises when you use inline-block is that whitespace in HTML becomes visual space on screen. My question is, how do I remove the spacing between those two divs? Please refer to the image which i have attached here which shows the gap between top and middle part.Please refer the stylesheet data I had used for placing the images. I just opened the html scripts with Notepad++ and set from View->Show Simbol->Show All Characters. Improve this question . Sorry if I understand something wrong... ;). Offline. If so, can you post a jsfiddle with working images? ; } 5 replies Mon, 2008-05-05 20:31 unklejman . I have built several web sites and now i am having newbie problem that is driving me nuts... First i have a CSS Reset template from here: I know the reset should reset the margins, but perhaps the code we can't see is re-adding some? You may need to add them in for absolutely positioning items inside of them, but that's another post. You may want to set the padding to 0 rather than 10px and set the height of the divs explicitly rather than using auto. However, this is a bad way to do what you want to do. Try zeroing the top margin on the h4 and the bottom margin on the h2 to bring them closer to other elements. My middle part and bottom part are adjusted completely but top part and middle part have some gap in between that i am trying to remove but not able to. What do cookie warnings mean by "Legitimate Interest"? I had the same problem and this worked just fine for me I just got it fixed! How to create an HTML button that acts like a link? This worked when i had three (top, middle, bottom) backgrounds and each was a div tag. picasaweb.google.com/hemish.kapadia/Feb282011?feat=directlink#, I followed my dreams and got demoted to software developer, Opt-in alpha test for a new Stacks editor, Visual design changes to the review queues. Then i've deleted all of the unneccessery empty spaces and that solved my problem. In my webpage, I have used 3 divs inside a container div.I am trying to remove the unwanted gap between the div. 859 Views. The grid-row-gap property defines the size of the gap between the rows in a grid layout. Method 1: Assign the font size of the parent of the inline block elemennt to 0px and then assign the proper font-size to the inline block element. Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! hella hella. Why does HTML think âchucknorrisâ is a color? Method 2 - Reset the font-size Since the whitespace between the inline elements is determined by the font-size, you could simply reset the font-size to 0, and thus remove the space between the elements. How can I make a div not larger than its contents? A poor solution. Follow edited 33 mins ago. How many folders can I put in one Windows folder? remove gap between divs css; how to remove space between divs in css; Learn how Grepper helps you improve as a Developer! Start here, and see what presentation adjustments need to be made. Probably better than this reset-too-many-things, https://stackoverflow.com/questions/5905306/how-to-remove-an-invisible-space-between-div-tags/5905370#5905370. More “Kinda” Related Lisp Answers View All Lisp Answers » how to get my div to centre of primary div; ruby cheat sheet; force to load https ; click through div html; xcrun: error: SDK "iphoneos" cannot be located; iframe no scroll; … Here is a website which can help with those: http://www.css3.info/preview/rounded-border/, top_part, middle_part, bottom_part can all have margins or padding as long as it's not a "side" that touches the other (ie: bottom of #top and top of #middle need to touch and not move). newbie ... so you will have to use negative margins to remove the space. Add space between columns by nesting each column in an outer div. Closed. Here is the code. Interest: what is the most strategic time to make a purchase: just before or just after the statement comes out? How to set the margin or padding as percentage of height of parent container? SharkTheDark SharkTheDark. As mentioned previously, the gap between the two divs is due to word spacing. I have already taken a wrapper div(container div) which wraps all 3 divs.Thanks for the suggestion. @Dawson:Thanks for the all effort. I removed positioning from top, middle, bottom because it isn't relevant for the desired effect. hella is a new contributor to this site. or whatever is convenient to your page setup. In my webpage, I have used 3 divs inside a container div.I am trying to remove the unwanted gap between the div. Can I install a multiverse package, then disable non-free sources, and still let it upgrade? This should be avoided and only the elements which are causing the undesired appearance should be styled this way. Sorry. or perhaps the reset is the issue, as we can't test the whole page I just went from basics. I think that there is some cross browser inconsistency in this way. How does that do what clear accomplishes? You should float the elements if thats what you want to do. What are the dangers of operating a mini excavator? Sorry if I understand something wrong... ;) Share. You can use CSS to get rouned corners nowadays! Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. The OP is ostensibly using a reset template. Please help me. div {line-height: 1.4em;} should be the culprit. I bring villagers to my compound but they keep going back to their village. how to remove gap between divs … New contributor. Mon, 2008-05-05 21:23 #2. unklejman . Adding font-size: 0 to the parent container will remove the gap between the two divs. 1 Solution. I've tried margin bottom and padding bottom but it doesn't work. I am trying to adjust these 3 divs so that it can look like one bg image. Hard to say without all of your code, or at least the portion that's causing you trouble. Get code examples like "how to remove gap between divs" instantly right from your google search results with the Grepper Chrome Extension. There are two methods to remove the space between inline-block elements. … Simplest example I can think of, is 2
s with CSS that includes display: inline-block; and width: 50%; should be placed side by side. Are you still having the same problem? How do I check whether a checkbox is checked in jQuery? By decreasing the size of the div had solved my problem.Thanks a lot to Dawson and DBz for the help. How do I cite my own PhD dissertation in a journal article? Its supposed to work as a drop shadow and works on every other element I’ve used it on. Remove this div I mentioned in post here, and add in div with id header style="line-height: 1em;" or even smaller size if you want smaller space between... https://stackoverflow.com/questions/5905306/how-to-remove-an-invisible-space-between-div-tags/5905371#5905371, https://stackoverflow.com/questions/5905306/how-to-remove-an-invisible-space-between-div-tags/15995068#15995068, https://stackoverflow.com/questions/5905306/how-to-remove-an-invisible-space-between-div-tags/20125433#20125433, How to remove an invisible space between div tags, http://yui.yahooapis.com/3.3.0/build/cssreset/reset-min.css. CSS remove white space between divs. The inline-block value is incredibly useful when wanting to control margin and padding on "inline" elements without the need to `block and float` them. don't use units for your line height, see: Unitless line-heights for more information, if you simply put 1.4 then the line height will be 1.4 x the font-size, this should help you get control of your gaps, obviously my code example above absolutely zero's everything and is just an example. BUT THEY ARE NOT Take a look: Heading elements have, amongst other things, default margins. (max 2 MiB). Follow answered May 5 '11 at 23:51. Hi! I guess the newer browsers now are registerng more then one blank space after another. :) You don't need the DIV with an encoded space to accomplish that, so you can simplify it by using a BR. In a word: "whitespace". MTG protection from color in multiple card multicolored scenario. How to remove unwanted vertical spacing between divs, The space rendered between your divs is the whitespace By removing the space (whether it's a single space or some line breaks doesn't The space is due to the margin on the ul tags. What are valid values for the id attribute in HTML? html – How to remove space between divs! The CSS display property with the value inline-block is very useful for controlling the dimensions as well as the margin and padding of the inline elements. I am filling the content dynamically, so i cant set it explicitly.I have to set it as per the content size. It works even in those cases when the item size is unknown or dynamic. It sounds like you're still padding something, or there is a margin set on either #top or #middle. Does Terra Quantum AG break AES and Hash Algorithms? Can you put the pictures you're using online? I am stuck with this problem and not able to come out of this. How did old television screens with a light grey phosphor create the darker contrast parts of the display? Why is that? Ask Question Asked 7 years, 6 months ago. I can't seem to get rid of the 1px space between my header and menu div. Stack Overflow for Teams is a private, secure spot for you and
@deceze - That's an interesting approach. INSTALL GREPPER FOR CHROME . Remove space between divs. prsupriya asked on 2005-08-10. Which is the correct CSS syntax? See my second comment on the question. How to remove unwanted vertical spacing between divs. You can also provide a link from the web. I’d like to reduce the vertical space between two divs so that the div on top of the image stays closer to the image, and the div at the bottom of the image stays closer to the image too. 0px won't do it. This question is off-topic. How to remove the gap between div in html? For example, margin-top: -5px; or margin: -5px 0 0 0; ~Soundscape www.kenlange.com. It would be more useful if you would post a. Should I use DATE or VARCHAR in storing dates in MySQL? Size of the image is 45 pix and I took it the size of the div as 47 pix. YUI reset is already taking care of the reset, according to OP. I remember being a young developer during the Internet Explorer 6 days and desperately wanting IE to adopt display: inline-block.. Div comes with blank spaces whenever used. It’s necessary for the color blocks to have an outer div (.float-child) in order to add space and also have both blocks fit side by side. rev 2021.2.9.38523, Stack Overflow works best with JavaScript enabled, Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers, Programming & related technical career opportunities, Recruit tech talent & build your employer brand, Reach developers & technologists worldwide. Offline. Fighting the Space Between Inline Block Elements, Remove the spaces. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/5905306/how-to-remove-an-invisible-space-between-div-tags/5910170#5910170, https://stackoverflow.com/questions/5905306/how-to-remove-an-invisible-space-between-div-tags/5905386#5905386. hella. (1)Top bg image (2)Middle bg image (3)Bottom bg image; I am trying to adjust these 3 divs so that it can look like one bg image. Grepper. Delete white space between divs, Whitespace between inline elements is interpreted as a space. Make a div fill the height of the remaining screen space. I have also attached a screenshot so you can see the space between … How do you put a space between divs? Why is there space between divs? @user515990 can you post a copy of your code to jsfiddle.net? html css bootstrap-4 Share. @dbz: Rounded corner is not my explicit requirement, I have to use 3 images to fill my content that is needed and i m not able to adjust them properly :(. Hey everyone. It was the Problem with the Top bg image size. Unwanted space between divs. GREPPER; SEARCH SNIPPETS; PRICING; FAQ; USAGE DOCS ; INSTALL GREPPER; Log In; All Languages >> Objective-C >> how to remove gap between divs “how to remove gap between divs” Code Answer . I have tryed adding a negative top margin but from my previous experience it is not a solution... usualy seting the margin and the padding to 0 was enough... somehow now it is diferent :S, I've finaly found the problem thanks to all of You but especialy thanks to Notepad++. yes, true, I have just added a fiddle to show how those two bits of code work, without a reset. Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. While that's true, the actual code the OP posted doesn't demonstrate the issue either, so my assumption is there's something else going on that they have not included. newbie . How to remove the gap between div in html/css? This means that it’s affected by the font-size property in CSS. 2. post a link to the page, or post the HTML so everyone can see what you're doing. By clicking “Post Your Answer”, you agree to our terms of service, privacy policy and cookie policy, 2021 Stack Exchange, Inc. user contributions under cc by-sa, I am refering to the space between: Heading 1 Here goes the main menu Heading 2 ............ when i select it there is some sort of invisible lines there.. also the space exits even if i remove those
so that is not a solution either :S, If I thought it was the solution, I would have posted it as an answer. remove gap between divs css; how to remove space between divs in css; Learn how Grepper helps you improve as a Developer! How to Set Space Between Flexbox Items. Empty space between divs Yes it is essentially a collapsing margin effect with the elements breaking out of the box, it's a strange effect when you normally just think of two adjacent margins halving themselves and although you say that the margins on the h3 and the sidebar can be ignored it's more a case of whether they are really needed as they are the cause. I don't know why, but according to my knowlege this is the first time multiple space strokes to be detected by the browser..
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