abstract thinking vs concrete thinking
In the ancient Hebrew mindset they used all five senses when speaking, hearing, writting and reading the ancient Hebrew language. What Is An Example Of Concrete Thinking? (are the participants more of abstract or concrete thinkers?). Essentially, concrete … By. That's why you can tell them that you have their nose and they believe you. Talking to a therapy professional can help you learn new skills for applying concrete and abstract thinking skills in your life. As the cliché goes, you walk a mile in their shoes. In the ancient Hebrew mindset they used all five senses when speaking, hearing, writting and reading the ancient Hebrew language. I used to work as a Registered Nurse on psychiatric units in hospitals plus have the equivalent of a Master’s Degree in course work but not that degree. This is why many people who travel to other locations and cultures tend to have an easier time with abstract thinking, as they’ve exposed themselves to many new ideas, perspectives, and ways of life. It stays put. If you come up with a theory to explain an event, that’s abstract thinking. Abstract Concepts Conversely, therapy has been found to be effective in shifting to somewhat more concrete thinking patterns in individuals with depression, as sometimes abstract thinking can worsen depression symptoms. In the Neuropsych battery, the interpretation of proverbs is a quick measure of abstract/concrete thinking. Likewise, when an abstract thinker looks at the same tree, his/her thought process would be entirely different. No one has the same way of thinking. Have you ever met someone who seems to take everything too literally? What Is Self-Forgiveness And Why Is It Important To Your Mental Health? They may be exposed to both simpler fairytale stories, like a frog turning into a prince, or more complex stories with themes, lessons, and nuances. This is why it's called concrete thinking. Most of our modern inventions would not exist if there were no abstract thinking. It's important to have abstract thinking skills to navigate your way through life. It's safe to say that abstract thinking is a mix of our complex minds and the world around us. I think it is explained well. It does not appreciate those ideas that rely on the factor of probability. The green tree may spark a chain of thoughts in an abstract thinker, and he may start imagining all things related to green and tree. You tend to thinks in practical, actionable terms. Concrete thinking will only consider, depend and emphasize on the literal meaning of anything, any idea or concept. Abstract thinkers are able to reflect on events and ideas, and on attributes and relationships separate from the objects that have those attributes or share those relationships. You'll find common ground, and you may end up realizing that there is a solution lying somewhere in the middle. Abstract thinking is the ability to understand concepts that are real, such as freedom or vulnerability, but which are not directly tied to concrete physical objects and experiences. Abstract thinking goes beyond all the visible and present things and depicts hidden meanings and underlying purposes of anything that’s existing and is a part of nature. In contrast, an abstract thinker will understand that this is a common metaphorical phrase that is used to describe … Abstract thinking is like a painting. Some people think in “concrete” terms and while others in “abstract” terms. Why vs. How: The Role of Abstract and Concrete Thinking in Anxiety and Depression, by Jenna Vieira. Between all these definitions, we will focus mainly on two types of mind that we call: the abstract thinking (abstract mental) and concrete thinking (concrete mental). The difference between the two terms can be summarized in the following manner. Concrete thinking is just regarding the facts.On the other hand abstract thinking goes down below facts. 78011. They may be better able to understand the theories behind actions, or they may be more artistic and creative than concrete thinkers. Examples of abstract thinking might include types of black cats, that black cats are considered unlucky by some people, that the ancient Egyptians revered cats and created black statues of a cat goddess. 1. You may look at facts, apply the solution and see where/when it works, and even try to look at less likely solutions as well. Not at all. I hope my examples regarding abstract and concrete thinking were at least a little helpful to you. I agreed with the Priest but said it was also true on a concrete level. 5. They can even change their beliefs at one point if some other thinking has completely taken over and convinced the former manner of thinking. It is full of feeling. There are some animals, such as our primate relatives and elephants with their fantastic memories and capacity for emotion, that can think more abstractly. What Does It Mean To Be AConcrete Thinker? Concrete, Abstract, Random, Sequential. Ok, maybe that’s stretching it a bit, but you get what we’re saying. All rights reserved. We can see a flower, hear a donkey, touch corduroy, and smell supper cooking. The teaching was Jesus saying that if your arm causes you to sin, it is better to take off the arm and go to Heaven than to keep the arm and go to Hell.” The Priest said Jesus meant that on an abstract level and that He was referring to the case that if a person has a trouble with going to bars and getting in trouble there, like if he meets women who are not his wife, goes out with her, has sex with her and commits adultery. I always end each session with a sense of calmness. The Doer: Concrete Thinking. This is an offshoot of creative thinking. For the abstract thinker, there are always new methods and strategies to learn that can help improve the decision-making process. In Study 2, we tested the prediction that abstract thinking leads to worse decision-making outcomes relative to concrete thinking. Multiple Meanings. The main two are concrete and abstract, and we're going to break both of them down for you. Participants were randomly allocated to engage in either abstract (n = 43) or concrete (n = 44) thinking, and then given an online writing task and encouraged to complete it as early as possible within a 9-day timeframe. THE maxim enjoined upon teachers, " to proceed from the concrete to the abstract," is perhaps familiar rather than comprehended. You can, of course, choose any therapist that you wish, even if they’re not among the ones initially recommended by our algorithm. The age this happens usually occurs between preteen and mid-teen years, but it can vary. But there are other times when people are expecting of us to be a bit more analytic and take things in a way they don’t seem to be, but are actually are. There are mental disorders that can make a person think more concretely. Any time you think about a non-concrete concept, that’s abstract thinking. Later on, as they learn to read, they'll learn metaphors and be able to understand philosophy, math, and other concepts that require abstract thinking skills, which we'll talk about later. THE maxim enjoined upon teachers, " to proceed from the concrete to the abstract," is perhaps familiar rather than comprehended. In contrast, an abstract thinker will understand that this is a common metaphorical phrase that is used to describe heavy rain. A concrete thinker, fittingly enough, may not even understand the comparison and think you're referring to someone who thinks about what cement turns into. People with good abstract reasoning skills are able to make more informed decisions based on the possibilities that exist beyond concrete details. Concrete Thinking vs. Abstract Thinking. Concrete thinking refers to the thinking on the surface whereas abstract thinking is related to thinking in depth. This may be based on concrete data but the theory itself is conjecture and can therefore be considered abstract. You can think of an object that you just saw, think philosophically, keep a set of principles in your head, and so on. If you've heard of a solution that requires a step-by-step solution, being a linear thinker will work wonders. Concrete Thinking vs. Abstract Thinking Concrete thinking refers to the thinking on the surface whereas abstract thinking requires much more analysis and goes deeper. Just to share and give the author credit, it was extremely difficult to use the words I used accurately. Everyone needs to use abstract thought in order to make plans for the future, understand complex ideas or park our car. False notions of concrete and abstract. If you come up with a theory to explain an event, that’s abstract thinking. Abstract thinking and concrete thinking stand in opposition, allowing the individual to gain two different perspectives. Abstract thinking requires much more analysis and goes deeper whereas concrete thinking remains on the surface. Critical thinking is a thinking process that analyzes an ideas, statements, operations, structures and/or systems to access validity, benefit or effectiveness. Abstract Concepts I'm looking for a way to test individual difference in abstract vs. concrete thinking. 1.Brain-484539_640 [Public Domain], via Pixabay, 2.”Kugleramme” [Public Domain], via Wikimedia Commons, Filed Under: Behaviour Tagged With: abstract, abstract thinkers, abstract thinking, Abstract Thinking and Concrete Thinking difference, compare Abstract Thinking and Concrete Thinking, concrete thinkers, concrete thinking, thinking ability, thinking styles. An abstract thinker might be more interested in what those tactics say about human nature and how the lessons can be applied to all aspects of human interaction within business (and beyond) to motivate, inspire and create connection. Here are the parts that make up the styles: Concrete – You’re dealing with the here and now and processing information based on what you see, hear, think, feel, and taste. Feel Less Alone By Talking With An Online Therapist. WhatsApp “Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire.” — W.B. Difference Between Alpha Male and Beta Male, Abstract Thinking and Concrete Thinking difference, compare Abstract Thinking and Concrete Thinking, Difference Between Coronavirus and Cold Symptoms, Difference Between Coronavirus and Influenza, Difference Between Coronavirus and Covid 19, Difference Between iPhone 6S and Galaxy S6 Edge Plus, Difference Between Fiscal and Monetary Policy, Difference Between Psychoanalytic and Psychodynamic, Difference Between Genetic Disorders and Chromosomal Disorders, Difference Between 5 HTP Tryptophan and L-Tryptophan, Difference Between N Glycosylation and O Glycosylation, Difference Between Epoxy and Fiberglass Resin. Doers contribute to the world by bringing thoughts and ideas together and making them a reality. Abstract thinking is a level of thinking about things that is removed from the facts of the “here and now”, and from specific examples of the things or concepts being thought about. A person who is thinking concretely might look up and expect to see cats and dogs falling from the sky. En abstrakt tænker kan se et bestemt fænomen fra en vinkel, som andre måske ikke kan se. Concrete/literal DAP scores did not correlate significantly (r = .20, p > .05) with concrete/literal Proverb Test scores. A person who has not developed the ability to think and understand things that are abstract will never be able to understand this parable except on an a concrete level. If someone tells them to break a leg, they may wonder why they should snap their leg bones in two. It's purely physical. The Concrete Mental or the Concrete Thinking. Medically Reviewed By: Tiffany Howard, LPC, LCADC. Abstract thinking requires much more analysis and goes deeper whereas concrete thinking remains on the surface. This means that there has to be a fair balance between the two and we should be able to think in both terms as and when need arises. 2. The brain is a complex organ, and how it creates and processes thoughts is just as complicated. Examples of abstract thinking might include types of black cats, that black cats are considered unlucky by some people, that the ancient Egyptians revered cats and created black statues of a cat goddess. Concrete thinking is the opposite of abstract thinking. We build models to understand reality. Κύριος-Ατόμων-Διαφορά μεταξύ σκέψης αφηρημένης σκέψης και σκέψης σκυροδέματος | Abstract Thinking vs. The ability to think abstractly has many benefits as people who perceive abstract ideas are able to conceptualize things that they don't physically see in front of them. I worked a s a Registered Nurse for 20 years on psychiatric units in hospitals. Because it has so many words and those words can be used so many ways with many nuances it means that increased details can be communicated. It's a spectrum. I will try to get back to this tomorrow at an earlier time and comment in a way that gives justice to your hard work and good thinking. These include artists, writers, actors, and so on. Young children learn to first view the world as concrete thinkers. If someone tells them it's raining cats and dogs, they may wonder why they can't hear a cacophony of barks and meows outside. I will not give up though. They may be better able to understand the theories behind actions, or they may be more artistic and creative than concrete thinkers. Recent findings on construal level theory (CLT) suggest that abstract thinking leads to a lower estimated probability of an event occurring compared to concrete thinking. These are both abstract concepts that can't be tied back to anything physical. Abstract thinkers use analogies and metaphors to understand the world. A concrete thinker might focus on the exact tactics that have been proven to work for others. For example, the cultural convention of organizing days into weekdays and weekends. A concrete thinker might focus on the exact tactics that have been proven to work for others. Yeats. It just refers to thinking in the periphery. There is a series of questions on a mini mental status exam we often uwsed to assess a new patients ability to think on an abstract level and it might be helpful to understand the difference between the ability to understand abstract things versus concrete things. Concrete thinking is like doing a logic puzzle. Using a tutorial, concrete thinkers can learn to think more abstractly. They're critical thinkers, science-minded, and can often reason quite well. Abstract thinking is like a painting. An abstract thinker is good at imagining complex ideas, theoretical ideas, and reading non-verbal body language clues to assess a situation. The easiest way to define abstract thinking is to talk about it in contrast to concrete thinking. A critical thinker can learn to think carefully about what they're looking at. These differences and variations in thinking styles are all natural and God-gifted. Some children may develop it much earlier, while others might later. You tend to thinks in practical, actionable terms. Forskel mellem abstrakt tænkning og konkret tænkning | Abstract Thinking vs Concrete Thinking - 2020 - Folk They can help get into your mind and tell you how you think, what you can do to think better and make you more aware of yourself. Abstract thinking involves concepts with which we don’t have a physical relationship. Facts vs. He might relate green to peace and green tree would relate to … There are other types of thinkers as well, with many of them being an offshoot of abstract thinking. This is where translators and readesr fall short in the trueness of the meanings of a large percentage of the biblical text. Things like freedom and respect count — basically, anything that doesn’t have a concrete physical form is a concept that likely requires abstract thinking. Abstract thinking also involves various options or solutions to a single problem. Abstract objects are sometimes called abstracta (sing. While the complexity of the human brain is one of the reasons we're abstract thinkers, it's also believed that abstract thinking is a product of the world around us. You're looking at different solutions to a problem to find the one that will work the best. We use BetterHelp and third-party cookies and web beacons to help the site function properly, analyze usage, and measure the effectiveness of our ads. Any time you think about a non-concrete concept, that’s abstract thinking. They see an object in front of them, and when it's gone, they usually don't think anything of it. Abstract thinking is part of what sets us apart from most other animals. Abstract vs. A licensed therapy provider can help you learn how to become a more abstract thinker so you can make more informed decisions by seeing the bigger picture. This type of patient sometimes also had a difficulty during their adolescent cognitive development where they never developed the ability to understand or even be aware of the abstract qualities of some things. Thinking concretely isn't a bad thinking strategy. Concrete thinking is mainly interested in the facts, such as the fact that a cat is a black cat. Abstrakt tænkning indebærer også forskellige muligheder eller løsninger på et enkelt problem. Abstract thinking may be referred to the figurative description ,whereas the concrete thinker does not think so. On a concrete level the saying, “A stitch in time saves 9”, means that if you repair the seam “in time” or in the beginning, you may only need 1 stitch to repair the seam but if you let it go and the seam continues to unravel you may need to sew 9 stitches to repair the seam. Someone who is less critical may share dubious information while thinking it's true, while a critical thinker is going to look at that information and try to figure out if it's genuine. It is the opposite of abstract thinking. The abstract or concrete thinker may even take a tutorial to learn how to do this. abstractum) and concrete objects are sometimes called concreta (sing. They don't stray away from the instructions in front of them. She's offered me great different perspectives and ways of thinking that have helped me let go of negative thinking and geared me towards more positive thinking about myself and my future.”, https://www.betterhelp.com/shirley-butler/. It is important to know the difference between the concrete aspects of things and the abstract aspects of things as it relates to Jesus teaching’s in the Bible. Abstract thinking involves an emphasis on the hidden or the intended meaning whereas concrete thinking is always literal, to-the-point and very direct. Chapter 10: Concrete and Abstract Thinking Table of Contents | Next | Previous. Unlike concrete thinkers, people who can think abstractly have a strong ability to process theories and imagine things that are not physically present. Concrete thinking, on the other hand, is very concrete and definite as the name suggests. You use the pieces of knowledge you have, and can explain step by step, or make a logical leap to how you came to a conclusion. Concrete thinking pertains to ideas that we can relate to using our senses. I accidently because of the lateness of the hour and my extreme tiredness (You, of course realize I take no personal responsibility for my mistake. Dear Ahmad, it is 0230Am but I am not tired and maybe I can finish explaining about concrete and abstract thinking. Andy McIntosh, Emeritus Chair in Thermodynamics and Combustion Theory, University of Leeds, answers the question "What is abstract thinking?" Ancient Hebrew concrete thought is the way in which the bible was written and not in a ancient Greek abstract view of the world. Rather, something’s may have both a concrete meaning and an abstract meaning and neither the author nor the reader may be aware of that. Twitter. concretum). How To Learn To Say No, Boost Your Self Esteem: Activities And Tips To Help, How To Cope With Feeling Inadequate (And Become More Confident In the Process). Critical thinking involves other traits, such as reflecting, reconstructing, and looking at factors other than what’s directly in front of them. Everyone is creative in their own way, but a creative-minded person will take it a step further and try to make their ideas a reality, instead of just thinking about them. It has nothing to do with the intention of the author but rather. One of the questions was for the patient to give the answer to the question, What does the parable, “A stitch in time saves 9”. Concrete Thinking. I accidently cut off about 3/4 of my comment to you and did not do you the justice you deserved. Also known as holistic thinking, this is when you can see the entire picture in front of you and see how everything connects. Before receiving the survey, participants were put into either an abstract or concrete way of thinking – across the three studies, different methods to accomplish that were used. This … Research has shown that anxious and depressed individuals tend to think about their problems abstractly. An example of abstract thinking skills in action is imagining yourself as a business owner and then opening the business to make the dream a reality. An analytical thinker can unpack a concept and separate it into different parts, and then look at each part individually while linking it back to the main concept. Andy McIntosh, Emeritus Chair in Thermodynamics and Combustion Theory, University of Leeds, answers the question "What is abstract thinking?" Understanding the bigger picture can help you to make better decisions and prevent negative thinking patterns and outcomes. One way to do so is to talk to more people. Artisans, athletes, and anyone who produces anything tangible need this type of thinking. concrete thinking: thinking of objects or ideas as specific items rather than as an abstract representation of a more general concept, as contrasted with abstract thinking (for example, perceiving a chair and a table as individual useful items and not as members of the general class, furniture). They also like many of us, had many frustrations. Abstract thinkers are better with grasping language and communicating, can see what's not there, and understand concepts that are important to humanity's development. I have the equilivant course work of a person who has a Masters Degree in counseling. This is Albert. Then I typed in “Jean Piaget” on the Bing browser and got better information. Abstract thinking involves concepts with which we don’t have a physical relationship. The Doer: Concrete Thinking. As children have different experiences, read different stories, receive education, and learn to empathize, their thinking grows. For Additional Help & Support With Your Concerns, Get The Support You Need From One Of Our Counselors, The information on this page is not intended to be a substitution for diagnosis, treatment, or informed professional advice. You ask a question that is close to my heart because I love English. People who use concrete reasoning make their decisions based solely on the tangible, visible details that they see around them. Organization Organizing things into abstract categories. June 29, 2020. Concrete thinking refers to the ability to comprehend and apply factual knowledge. Abstract thinking involves an emphasis on the hidden or the intended meaning whereas concrete thinking is always literal, to-the-point and very direct. Of course, most of us use a mixture of concrete and abstract reasoning at different times and in different situations. First, abstract thinking can be explained as the manner of thinking in which concentration is on conceptualization or generalization of a certain thing. Concrete thinkers see a physical object and just think of what's in front of them. With that being said, there are still some primary types of thinking that we can divide thoughts into. Someone who thinks more abstractly is able to do better on standardized intelligence tests. Facebook. Imagination is an integral part of the human mind that covers both the creative and learning spheres. Concrete thinking will only consider the literal meaning while abstract thinking goes deeper than the facts to consider multiple or hidden meanings. 4. In an Adolescent psychology course I took in Developmental Psychology it was explained that a persons last stage in cognitive development (Piagets theory of cognitive development) was the stage where they developed the ability to think on an abstract level. This may be based on concrete data but the theory itself is conjecture and can therefore be considered abstract. Also known as sequential thinking, this is when you can process information in order. The saying comes from the situation where a seam in a piece of clothing starts to come undone but only 1 stitch has come undone or unraveled. Therefore a “stitch in time saves 9.” Obviously you have to know something about sewing to understand this parable but I am only using it as an example. It's there. In Study 2, we tested the prediction that abstract thinking leads to worse decision-making outcomes relative to concrete thinking. I hope my examples regarding abstract and concrete thinking were at least a little helpful to you. Very few people are total concrete thinkers. this parable is a saying from sewing and has a concrete answer and a generalized or abstract answer. Using concrete and abstract thinking together will give you a larger view of any situation. You can always contact me at any time on Disqus and ask me anything you want to. Compare the Difference Between Similar Terms. An abstract object is an object that does not exist at any particular time or place, but rather exists as a typeo… Read our. A person who is thinking concretely might look up and expect to see cats and dogs falling from the sky. For an average, normal person, this may be very confusing and almost incomprehensive. the quality of the subject. Multiple Meanings. Increasing one’s imagination creates possibilities. Concrete thinking does not have any depth. We can see a flower, hear a donkey, touch corduroy, and smell supper cooking. You should not take any action or avoid taking any action without consulting with a qualified mental health professional. As the child grows, so does their way of thinking. I just said 2 things that are close in meaning and are both abstract in structure and figurative in meaning but use concrete objects to imply meaning. Not at all. 12. Artisans, athletes, and anyone who produces anything tangible need this type of thinking. You tend to think in abstract terms. It is full of feeling. If that was the case it would be true that it was better to cut off the arm and go to Heaven than to keep the arm and go to Hell. The opposite of concrete thinking is abstract thinking. How To Better Understand Yourself Via Character Survey. A person … Google+. An abstract thinker might be more interested in what those tactics say about human nature and how the lessons can be applied to all aspects of human interaction within business (and … “It is what it is.” You want a real example. Some may think in concrete terms and some in abstract terms. Concrete thinking refers to the thinking on the surface whereas abstract thinking is related to thinking in depth. Concrete Thinking Vs Abstract Thinking. 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